Collaboration with your accountant or other industry professional may seem like a daunting task. The COVID-19 pandemic changed most traditional practices of getting your taxes prepared, reconciling your balance sheet or preparing financial statements. Assembling a...
At one point or another in our careers, we’ve all found ourselves needing to work remote. For some it’s indefinite, others temporary. However, working from home can often times be a challenge when you’re accustomed to the accessibility of resources that an...
Are you expecting, or perhaps already received, an income tax refund from your 2019 filing? If so, a tax refund is an excellent opportunity to set yourself up for success and in a better financial position for the future. We’ve rounded up ten creative ways to...
With tax season in full swing you are probably starting to work on your personal return or getting ready to discuss your personal return with your CPA. One thing to keep in mind this year are tax credits; they’re real, they are valuable and you should take all...
Hi there! My name is Kylie Harig and I am the new office manager at Senter, CPA. I am so thankful for the opportunity to introduce myself to you and hope that you enjoy learning a little about me and my family. I come to you with nearly a decade of experience in the...