Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and consistent with our expectations, the IRS released their notice on March 21 outlining the 90-day automatic extension for federal income tax filing and payments. This deferment applies to individuals, trusts, corporations and...
To Our Existing and Prospective Clients: The safety and well-being of our valued clients and employees is always our top priority. We understand that the rapidly evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing uncertainty in our community. Senter, CPA is...
Are you expecting, or perhaps already received, an income tax refund from your 2019 filing? If so, a tax refund is an excellent opportunity to set yourself up for success and in a better financial position for the future. We’ve rounded up ten creative ways to...
What does financial success mean to you? Security, peace of mind or perhaps more free time spent with family and friends probably sound right. Often times, the shape of financial success will change over the course of time (think: marriage, kids, starting a...
Tax season officially starts today with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now accepting e-files for 2019 tax returns. Let the countdown begin: Days Remaining Common Documents Needed (please note this is not an exhaustive list and depends on each individuals...