As many are well aware, the federal income tax filing due date for individuals, for the 2022 tax year, is approaching fast. Due date is Tuesday, April 18, 2023. If you feel you need more time, there’s no need to worry. Filing a tax extension is an option, and...
Intuit constantly updates their system to provide their clients with the most up-to-date and efficient program possible. We’re proud to share their 2023 updates with our clients. What’s New? Migration: Moving from QB Desktop to QB Online Migration now helps provide...
Federal and State income tax payments can be made online. You can pay your state and federal income tax online, by phone, or with your mobile device using the IRS2Go app. Below are a list of links to make payments or to download the IRS2Go app. United States...
Have you have received an email from Senter, CPA, P.C. with the subject “Senter, CPA, P.C. – Register Your Client Center Account”? Below is a step-by-step guide on how to register your Client Center Account, or Client Portal. 1. Click on the REGISTER...
To All Our Valued Clients Thank you for choosing and trusting Senter, CPA, P.C. for all your tax and accounting needs. I am writing to let you know that there are some price increases going into effect for the 2022 tax season. We are increasing prices from 15%, up to...