With tax season in full swing you are probably starting to work on your personal return or getting ready to discuss your personal return with your CPA. One thing to keep in mind this year are tax credits; they’re real, they are valuable and you should take all...
Tax season officially starts today with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now accepting e-files for 2019 tax returns. Let the countdown begin: Days Remaining Common Documents Needed (please note this is not an exhaustive list and depends on each individuals...
Have you ever paid an IRS penalty or feel like you’ve accumulated too many penalty notices from the IRS? If so, it’s possible we can help alleviate the pain. Let’s review a couple of ways to reduce, remove or abate some of those penalties. There are...
It’s important to keep a checklist of items on your financial radar as we approach the close of 2019. Below are 5 simple tax savings strategies, which will protect your financial health and ensure future success as you move into 2020. The Top 5 Year End Items:...
The Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce honors individuals and organizations each year for their excellence in success and contributions to the community. We are pleased to announce the Clarkston Chamber of Commerce has exclusively selected Matthew Senter as the 2019...