Getting your tax documents together to send to your tax preparer can be overwhelming, but we can help! One of the most common questions we are often asked is, “What documents are needed for individual tax returns?”. Below is a list of some basic...
Independence Township kicked off the 2021 Little Sluggers baseball season last weekend, and Senter, CPA didn’t pass up the opportunity to support the community and sponsor a team again this year. Although there were no opening day celebrations this year due to...
It is important to file your income tax returns and pay any taxes that you owe, on time. The fees and interest will continue to accumulate until your balance is fully paid. If you didn’t file your taxes by the deadline, the penalties will be much higher than if...
To Our Valued Clients & Friends Tax time is always a crazy and fun time, and this particular tax season was accompanied by some additional opportunities, challenges and uncertainties. This was not only the case for the taxpayer, but also for their CPA’s and...
Don’t exhale just yet! Before you put the thought of taxes out of your mind, here are several things we would highly recommend that you do after filing your tax return. Check your return status & confirm that your filing was accepted. Typically, within 24-48 hours...