Spring is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. While your finances don’t start over, they do change slightly year to year. If you’re looking for a productive project to stay busy while you self-quarantine, then get rid of financial clutter and enjoy...
Collaboration with your accountant or other industry professional may seem like a daunting task. The COVID-19 pandemic changed most traditional practices of getting your taxes prepared, reconciling your balance sheet or preparing financial statements. Assembling a...
What does financial success mean to you? Security, peace of mind or perhaps more free time spent with family and friends probably sound right. Often times, the shape of financial success will change over the course of time (think: marriage, kids, starting a...
Tax season officially starts today with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now accepting e-files for 2019 tax returns. Let the countdown begin: Days Remaining Common Documents Needed (please note this is not an exhaustive list and depends on each individuals...
Freelancer is a term we see a lot these days and the tax implications are different than as an employee. An employee has the luxury of their employer withholding and paying their tax to the appropriate taxing authorities on their behalf. A freelancer does not. In its...