What are Client Accounting Services? Our client accounting services (CAS) focuses on our clients, their needs and integrate with their processes to ensure they receive the highest level of service to help their business grow and allow them to focus on their most...
The importance of establishing a strong working relationship with your CPA is crucial to feel comfortable trusting their guidance and relying on their advice. Having candid conversations on a regular basis will not only deepen your relationship with your accountant,...
I’d be willing to bet that most small business owners don’t wake everyday excited and ready to conquer their books. Perhaps, if you’re like most entrepreneurs, balancing your business accounts is often ignored and becomes a sensitive subject, a...
Spring is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. While your finances don’t start over, they do change slightly year to year. If you’re looking for a productive project to stay busy while you self-quarantine, then get rid of financial clutter and enjoy...
Collaboration with your accountant or other industry professional may seem like a daunting task. The COVID-19 pandemic changed most traditional practices of getting your taxes prepared, reconciling your balance sheet or preparing financial statements. Assembling a...
Thinking about how to work with your accountant remotely? Senter, CPA was a virtual firm long before we needed to be due to the COVID-19 outbreak. From the beginning we’ve chosen high performance tools and technologies, which allow us to best service our...