Ending your year right for your business, and tips to improve tax planning strategies.

When it comes to owning your own business, it can be very time consuming and difficult to stop and think about your upcoming tax return. It is always more advantageous to plan ahead and tie up loose ends before the end of the year. The top three things we recommend any business owner does before closing out the end of the year are:

  • catching up your bookkeeping
  • scheduling a tax planning meeting
  • taking a deep look at your income and expenses

 Catching up your bookkeeping is crucial to a successful business. Without maintaining it, it is hard to accurately plan or take advantage of any potential tax savings when you do not know where your income actually stands. Maintaining your books allows you to see how much you have earned and how much you have spent. When you look at your income you should also be looking at how much you are charging your customers and see if price increases are needed. Without maintaining proper bookkeeping you are missing out on many tax savings advantages you could potentially use.

 Do you need help with your books? Call Senter CPA.

Always remember, Senter, CPA is here for you if you need any assistance.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 248-934-0550, or contact us below.


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