Year End Wrap Up: Tax Planning for Business Owners

Year End Wrap Up: Tax Planning for Business Owners

Ending your year right for your business, and tips to improve tax planning strategies. When it comes to owning your own business, it can be very time consuming and difficult to stop and think about your upcoming tax return. It is always more advantageous to plan ahead...
2024 Tax Planning

2024 Tax Planning

As we approach the end of 2024, now is the ideal time to evaluate your tax situation in preparation for your upcoming tax return. While we can’t predict exactly how the year will conclude for each client, we can analyze expected outcomes and identify potential...
Welcome to the Senter, CPA Team – Tracy Sanda

Welcome to the Senter, CPA Team – Tracy Sanda

Tracy started her accounting career right out of High School working in various accounts receivable, accounts payable, and bookkeeping roles. To advance her career she completed two accounting certificates and two associates degrees at Oakland Community College before...
Filing a Tax Extension

Filing a Tax Extension

It is not uncommon to have a need for more time to prepare your federal tax return. This post provides valuable information on how to apply for an extension of time to file. Please be aware that: An extension of time to file your return does not grant you any...