It is important to file your income tax returns and pay any taxes that you owe, on time. The fees and interest will continue to accumulate until your balance is fully paid. If you didn’t file your taxes by the deadline, the penalties will be much higher than if...
Don’t exhale just yet! Before you put the thought of taxes out of your mind, here are several things we would highly recommend that you do after filing your tax return. Check your return status & confirm that your filing was accepted. Typically, within 24-48 hours...
The Most Common (& Expensive) Bookkeeping Mistakes: Incorrect Payroll Reporting: If you currently have employees and/or plan on having them in the future, then you will need to become very familiar with payroll taxes, inclusive of the various tax forms and...
An IRS audit takes place when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) chooses to investigate a taxpayer to ensure that tax laws are being followed. Filing your tax return entirely, accurately and truthfully will reduce the odds of being audited and increase the likelihood...
Have you ever paid an IRS penalty or feel like you’ve accumulated too many penalty notices from the IRS? If so, it’s possible we can help alleviate the pain. Let’s review a couple of ways to reduce, remove or abate some of those penalties. There are...